•Staying active everyday! This is my number one tip! Working out with a community and trainer to keep you motivated, accountable and working up a sweat, not only does this keep you physically healthy but it does wonders for your mental wellbeing and mood. Getting 30 minutes of exercise for at least 5/7 days in your week couldn’t be more beneficial at this time. You can sign up to our New Online Live Program TODAY! Contact us for your Free 7 day trial.
•Going for a walk everyday is a non negotiable for me, to get some fresh air, vitamin D, keeping my daily steps up, a change of scenery and if you have kids, they need this just as much too. Keeping them active by making them ride their bikes, scooters so they stay physically strong too. Even, if it’s a lap around the block, make sure you do it, you will always feel better after doing it. We go on a bear and rainbow hunt everyday, going down different streets to keep it interesting. Now we are inside more, our daily incidental exercise has dropped significantly and keeping your daily steps up, is much harder but by doing this it will ensure you’re still moving, burning incidentally calories & staying active, even if you break it up into a morning and afternoon walk, whatever works for best for you and your family. Also, try not to just sit around all day, get up clean, play with the kids. Obviously, take small breaks when needed.
•I still make a weekly meal plan for our family, this ensures less food wastage and
trying to use what we have in the cupboard, fridge & freezer. We are still eating lots of veggies and nutritious foods daily and not just filling up on highly processed foods, of course if that’s available to you. Don’t waste any food either, I often get all the left overs or things that need to be eaten before going off and chuck it in a bowl to make a nutritious powerhouse lunch. No wastage! We’ve also been baking a lot more, as we have more time on our hands, so I schedule in a baking sessions with the kids every 2-3 days because I just love how baking with the kids teaches them some great life skills and encourages them to eat more nutritious healthy foods and to make better food choices.
•Having a ‘relaxed’ schedule or Routine for you and the kids. I find this helps me mentally and also helps the kids with knowing what’s next. Our little & very relaxed routine goes a bit like this:
7am Wake up coffee/breakfast
8:30am Get kids & I dressed & ready for my live workout
9:15am Work (Online Live Workouts until 10:15)
9:30am Kids are allowed iPads while I work for 45 mins
10:15-10:30 We either go for a walk straight away to get the kids motivated and moving or we do an activity I have planned
12-1pm we have lunch & chill time
1:30- 3pm Either Activity, play or walk which ever one we didn’t do in the morning
3pm Free play for the kids/ House choirs, getting dinner ready or work for me
5:30-6pm dinner
6-7pm Shower/Bath/after dinner snack
8pm kids bedtime
Obviously, some days it varies and that’s ok. I just like having some structure to our day to help both myself and the kids stay motivated and feel like we have a purpose for our day ahead.
•Gratitude. Enjoy the extra time at home with the kids and family. I know, this is easier said than done some days. By now we all would’ve adjusted to our new normal and accepting it is a big step in the right direction. Perspective is everything. Change the way you look at the situation and see the positives and your days will be much better for it. Although, we miss parts of our old life and visiting our loved ones, hugging friends, socialising, I feel very grateful for all this extra time with my kids & family, as Brooklyn is off to school next Year, so I feel very lucky I’m getting these extra days with him that otherwise I wouldn’t have. Find the small things daily to be grateful. 🙏
I hope these few little tips keeps you active and healthy through this challenging time.
Get in touch for our 7 day free trial offer for our daily Mon-Fri 9:30am zoom workouts!!
They are super fun, challenging and will help you create healthy habits with an inspiring and amazing community in isolation!!
Stay Safe, Healthy & Happy Friends 😘
Mel Gunn